- All problems start two handed. If there is only one start hold you must start with matched hands.
- All problems start with both hands on the designated start hold or holds and finish on the designated finish hold or holds.
- The rules for which footholds are allowed are indicated in the problem details in the MoonBoard App.Depending on which hold setup you have chosen there are up to 5 possible options. 1) Feet follow hands. 2) Feet follow hands + Screw-on footholds. 3) Screw-ons only 4) Footless + kick-board footholds 5) Footless (no kick board).
- All kickboard footholds are allowed.
- All kick-board footholds are placed slopey side facing up.
- All problems finish on the top row of the MoonBoard either matched if there is only one finish hold or on separate holds if there are two finish holds. You must hold the finishing hold or holds in control for 2 seconds.
- You are permitted to use any part of the numbered hold.
- Matching and heel hooking is permitted.
- The grading system is either Font or V grades. You can change this in the MoonBoard App settings.
A hold set is a pack of around 50 holds of the same type and colour. We offer a range of different hold sets, some made of wood, some made of polyurethane (PU) and our 2024 set are all polyester (PE). A number of hold sets together, and placed on your MoonBoard to the exact specification, is known as a setup.
A setup is a collection of hold sets, set at a specified location and orientation on the MoonBoard. There are currently five setups, the 2016, the 2017, the 2019, the 2020 (Mini Moonboard) and the 2024. The 2017, 2019 and 2024 setups can be installed on a choice of either the 25´ or the more challenging 40´ board angle, so in practice there are eight MoonBoard setups. Select and buy the setup that you want for your MoonBoard. Once installed, select your setup on your app and browse through 1000s of problems, including the benchmarks for your setup.
MoonBoard Benchmark problems have been curated by a small group of MoonBoard moderators. They are generally considered to be high quality problems and a good "benchmark” for the grade. Additionally, they are used to establish a users MoonBoard ranking. For a comprehensive understanding of the ranking process, please refer to the ranking section available in the MoonBoard App.
A DIY Kit and Freestanding MoonBoard is available for each setup. You can choose which angle your have for your 2017, 2019 or 2024 setup. (The 2016 and 2020 setup are both 40° only.)
Selecting a setup for your MoonBoard is a matter of personal preference. Each setup has been designed to make you stronger, but all users have different opinions as to which is their favourite. We highly recommend downloading the MoonBoard app and experimenting with the different setups to get a first-hand experience of their unique characteristics.
Check the hold sets you need for the setup you want, a you may need to buy different or additional hold sets if you want to change setup. Some setups share hold sets (although the same holds will be in a different location in a different setup). For example, the 2016 setup features Original, School Set A and School Set B holds. The 2019 setup features those same holds (in a different location) plus the Wood Sets A, B and C. For this reason, the 2016 setup is a popular setup to start with, as you can add the wood holds at a later stage to give you the 2019 setup.
Yes. If you don’t want to buy a complete Free-Standing MoonBoard (which includes everything, even the frame) or one of our DIY Kits (which includes one setup and the panels, but not the frame), then you can just buy the components (the holds for the setup that you want, the bolts and t-nuts and the LED System) and make your own frame and panels.
If you would like to buy the frame on its own, please contact us at [email protected] for more information.
A MoonBoard is a standardised training board built to exact specifications. If you change these specifications in any way it will no longer be a MoonBoard. We offer the MoonBoard in 2 sizes, the Mini MoonBoard and the standard MoonBoard. You should chose the MoonBoard which fits your space.
The MoonBoard DIY Kits do not contain the frame. You will make the frame yourself, so how easily adjustable your frame is will depend on your DIY skills! In practice, we find that most people choose and keep just one angle. If you buy our Freestanding MoonBoard, you can adjust the angle by dismantling it and reassembling it at a different angle.
Grades range from 5+/V2 to 8b+/V14 depending on which set up you choose. Download the app, select the various different setups and have a look at the range of problems and grades to see what’s right for you.
We don't recommend having your MoonBoard outside although we know that many people do. If you choose to have yours outside, at the very least we would advise you provide some kind of covering for it. The LED system components must be protected from moisture and wind damage, including the control box with the on/off switch. Although we use a high-quality birch plywood for our wood holds, over time and prolonged exposure to rain they could start to delaminate and get damaged. We currently have a mix of stainless steel and BZP nuts and bolts, which, although both weather-proof, may react with each other in extreme weather conditions.
The Freestanding MoonBoard is built on a steel frame that can be configured to either the 25-degree or 40-degree angles during its setup. It is also self-supporting which means that you do not have to construct any other supporting elements for the frame, unlike the traditional DIY MoonBoard Kit. The Freestanding MoonBoard includes all panels, holds and components required to provide a fully-functioning MoonBoard training system.
The DIY Kit requires basic carpentry skills. The kit includes all panels, holds, hold fixings and LED System component. It does not include any of the materials required to construct the supporting frame for the wall. Since every space is unique in design, your DIY MoonBoard may have different support requirements to other MoonBoards. For this reason, we do not provide any instructions or templates on how to build a MoonBoard frame. If you are unsure what the requirements for your space are, please seek professional advice from an experienced carpenter or climbing wall builder. Alternatively, you may wish to consider purchasing the Freestanding MoonBoard, which does not require any additional construction other than the assembly of its MoonBoard parts.
Our holds are guaranteed for 12 months so any breakages that occur during this period can be replaced free of charge. We will need to see a photo of the front and back of any holds that are within warranty, in addition to your proof of purchase. Please forward these to Moon Climbing orders team. Lead time on all individual hold replacements is 12 weeks.
PU hold production is predominately a manual process, so the same hold can have slight size variations. In most cases these variations wouldn’t be noticeable and certainly wouldn't impact on the grade of a problem. In 2019, to counter the potential issue of over grinding, we updated the masters of each set to include 3 small dots at the base of the hold which act as grinding guides. If the dots have been ground away then the hold is considered faulty. These new markers should ensure that all holds are within a 4mm size tolerance which is about as good as our suppliers can offer. We are not replacing holds which predate these new grinding rules. If you want your holds to be identical to other users' holds you should use the wood sets which are manufactured on a CNC machine and therefore in a fully automated process. However, it’s worth pointing out that even if all users' holds are identical, the conditions and environment that each MoonBoard is set up in will always be different and this can have a big impact on the difficulty of a problem. The MoonBoard was developed as a training tool and is best viewed as such.
These pages should be your first port of call, we have extensive information, troubleshooting and FAQ guides.
You will also be able to find lots of useful information and post queries on the MoonBoard Network Facebook group. It’s not called a MoonBoard community for nothing! Of course if you cannot find the information your require then please contact us (see below).
Contact [email protected] for any queries or issues that you have with your MoonBoard.