23 / 02 / 2025
Last year I continued to play my favourite game. I was running around in the woods searching for virgin lines. I was spending my money on rental cars and flight tickets, to get my hands on golden rock. My daydreams were dedicated to certain structures on certain rocks, which I used to call "Projekts at certain times. At other times it was quite tricky for me to tell the gym and my living room apart.
To make a 365 day story short I will drop some names and numbers conscious of all the adventures, stories, peoples and moments I fade out by choosing this method.
During the Wintertime I visited the beautiful Areas around Finale and Varrazze two times, but couldn`t sent big numbers.
In my Home area Niemandsland in lower Austria I was lucky to climb two hard projects of mine:
Algorythmus maybe 8c+ first ascent
It`s a proud prow and an extention to Glasperlenspiel. After the Rest in the middle climb direktly on the steep and bouldery prow.
Indotimes-extention 8c+ a long and tricky fourty meter Journey combining Indo times and Honig
In the carinthian Maltatal I could do a couple of hard first ascents including
Psi 8b+ 40m an incredible endurance-challange
Dünnes Eis 8c
Walhalla 8c+
In the hottest days of the summer I succesfully fighted for the great Marc 8b+ in the gastlosen / swiss
There were a couple of mentioning Bouldering- achivments in 2015 including
Afterlife 8B Felbertal
Durchsichtige Dinge 8A Wachau (first ascent, now I am close on the low start)
Skiroute 4 8b
Orgasmatron 8a/+ Maltatal
Further my buddy Florian Scheimpflug and me could eventually free all seven pitches of our 300m route city slickers 8b which we bolted ground up
And last but not least: I could finish first place in the bloc-gfraster 2015.
In September I had a hell of a climbingtrip in Argentina. My buddy Daniel Kalser and me were traversing the Andes to the chilenian see and back, doing some first ascents in 4200 Meter altitude on incredible vulcanic rock in a desert where the wind is always on your side and the routine of live is an exception.
So right now I am planning 2016 and I bet it will be awesome
cheers everyone
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