29 / 05 / 2012
After 23 hours with no sleep we finally arrived at our home for the summer. 110 Mohawk drive, Boulder, Colorado! Jackie, Chris and Kevin our hosts, a thank you to tem. Too tired to be excited we went straight to bed and into a deep slumber!
The next day was van sorting day-insurance, emissions test and finally registration! All very boring! Another night early to bed but feeling less jet lagged. Tomorrow would be our first real test-driving to Rocky Mountain National Park on a Saturday and battling with the tourists (obviously as climbers we bypass the tourist status)!
For our first day we were mainly checking out a few areas in the Park but not venturing too high! Equipped with a gallon of water to see us through dehydration, headaches and nausea we set off on the slog to Emerald Lake, 40 minutes later and a little short of breath we arrived at our destination. The walk was stunning-snow capped mountains, the smell of pine and sounds of the babbling brook our accompaniment.
In terms of climbing the day was a write off....well kind of. We tried a few things, lost a bit of skin and had a little success but the hardest day was done! The walk down was much easier and this morning I am starting to feel a little more normal.