Entering the crux of the "hasi-project" - needs some tension here (Can you see the water-drops left of me -melting snow from the topout)
I may climbed 6times into the crux, my heel slipped twice while setting up for the last move.... it just did NOT HAPPEN, no matter how hard and much I tried??? I could not believe what (not) happened, but somehow I just did not feel my body building up any tension, I felt like a marshmallow, a very strange feeling I never had before!!! I did not feel week, I just did not feel tension in between the holds....??? The grip was pretty bad, I had to dry up nearly all the holds... but that was not it... Nico sent "Marrakesh" (twice) and looked strong (well done!) - may it was this shitty day in Murgstal few days before..., where I managed to rip off my skin on Entlinge and somehow managed to tweak my pectoralis as well on Bourgonne (as it was raining an I was going crazy in the wetness...). May I should have just stayed at home to be "safe" from all the possible threats that would spoil my last chance up there... but as many excuses I can find it does not change the fact that: I just failed again... FTW???!!!Thats how all the attempts ended - in the pads...
After going crazy with one attempt after another Nico and I were standing in front of the boulder and after some discussion decided it would be anyway more logic to start 3moves lower/to the right (as I started pretty stretched out and tweaked...). This will ad another three-move-compression-7C/8A to an 8B+... it will make you already tired for the following compression-moves and will put quite some spice on top of the full line - GREAT perspectives - these moves are just so freaking powerful and delicate and good - I am kind of glad I did not make it to the top from the higher start, so I can climb on it next year again.. ;) SO I have another great project for which I just can't wait to go back - the moves are just soooooooooooooo great - I MUST climb that line... :) just a pity I now have to wait 6months to climb on that holds. So I will train my ass off to get that little bit stronger. That will hopefully be enough to send that beauty next summer - and did I already mention it? There is a possible 8B/+ intro as well... - but that will be something for the next generation... not for an old fat hasi like me... ;)Winter at Sustenpass... The snow I could dig away... But it's useless (for me) to fight against the cold.