School holidays are by far the greatest thing about being a teacher. It makes the entire grind from term just fade away quickly into the background. Luckily there's only 9 weeks to go and then it's the end of the year and onward to Europe for 6 weeks of bouldering. Cannot wait...

Anyway, back to the holidays past... For a change I went bouldering in the Grampians!!! It was fantastic, managed to do some repeats of some new problems and also repeat a bunch of things that I haven't done for ages. I am very pleased with how I am getting on after having a complete knee reconstruction only 11 weeks ago. Even to be climbing is great, but to actually be getting some things done is really satisfying.

Snuck in for the second ascent of a new problem called Inca Steppa, which my mate Al put up a couple of months back. An Awesome problem, with some nasty little holds. There are a few other problems on this boulder that he found as well, which I sent, as well as adding a little one of my own. It has been great to see Al getting out and finding some new blocs. There are not many people prepared to put in the time in the Grampians to find new lines, so it's always nice when they turn out to be good quality too.

Just the other day, as I bushbashed my way back to the car after a huge day, visiting four different bouldering areas, I discovered a few new problems. I am unsure whether the plum line has been done or not, it may have been crushed by the Austrians a decade ago, or it may have been brushed and left. Anyway, had a quick blast at it, came very close, but was beaten by humid conditions and the ever-creeping Sun.


Back there this Saturday for the send and some pics. Got very close to another project too, which may go this weekend as well, but we shall see. That's the great thing about bouldering, you never really know exactly when a problem will go, just make sure that you enjoy the process!!!

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