08 / 05 / 2012
Since my last visit in Bleau in September 2011 I couldn't wait to go there again. After some stressful months I finally found the time to go there again in March. The plan was to enjoy three weeks of sandstone without any distractions. This proved to be very hard, as my new climbing guide was going in its final phase.
This time I had some problems on my ticklist and I was hoping that the conditions would play along. Unfortunately I was brought back to reality rather fast, as the temperatures were significantly higher than they usually are in March. I can promise you one thing: trying Duel at 25°C is not fun, and also Karma doesn't feel so easy ;-) Luckily we were a nice crew and didn't miss out on the fun. Even if I couldn't climb every problem on my ticklist I was able to succeed on some good ones. Because of some problems I had to finish my vacation a bit earlier, and the desired three weeks turned out to be only two. Well, the word only doesn't really fit, as it was a very nice holiday and the longest climbing trip I ever had. This may be unbelievable for those who only consider climbing holidays as such if they last for more than a month...
Finally I would like to mention an example for bad behavior in bouldering areas, where some coaches of a youth team behaved really arrogant, and for sure were not a good role model for the youngsters. Using crashpads of other people without asking them, occupying boulder problems in a really arrogant way although other people were already there before is not good behavior in a bouldering crag. Actually this behavior is never appropriate, but maybe I'm just a bit narrow-minded...
Anyway, I'm already looking forward to my next visit in Bleau, hoping the conditions will be nice to me...