17 / 06 / 2025
Ramasuri is a German word for excitement, chaos, confusion, tohubohu, mess, unrest, riot, jumble... All the sweet things we are a little scared about, but at the same time we need and adore as a counterdraft to the output-driven and comprehensive covered life we live.
Ramasuri ist also the name of a legend 8c+ Loskot route that worked my mind and fingers for the last days. It is basically a twenty-five moves on excellent limestone, with rare possibilities to breath and think. After a lot of working, trying to link up the neverending bouldermoves, which includes falling two times at the very end, I could succesfully click the anchor. ? Big thanks to Andrea Maruna and Markus and Maxl Eder for the big support.
Ramasuri was the end of a great climbing month. Amongst other I could do the first repeat of the Route, "Azra2 8c in Niemandsland, followed by the bonehard boulder, "Barry White" 8b+ bloc in Wachau.
Further I could do an bouldery 8b+ Route (forgot the name) in Höllental within three tries. On my secound go I was hanging on the big jug, that marks the end of the crux, when suddenly it broke off. Scarry moment; thanks to jak wurm for the great belay!
Then there was an unforgetable deepwatersolo-shorttrip to mallorca, that could be summed up with a lot of rock, an overdose testosteron, salty saltwater, fear, constant shit-talking and laughing till tears run down everyones cheeks. Legend! Video is on postproduktion ?
Around Salzburg, were Ramasuri is located, Maxl showed me two great pieces of Rock. First the Loskot-boulder "Voice in your head" 8b bloc. In one great session we both could climb the "voice", while both ascents were as close as it could get.
Another must try was an twenty year old rope projekt in Rettenbachtal which maxl showed me on a rainy day. A tricky roof in the middle marks the crux, that seemed almost impossible, until I tried it fetes first. A couple of other kneebars and other dirty tricks later, we had the `Kung Fu Panda down to 8b and it was no projekt any more ?
My soon flight to South Africa is booked and I ordered myself a couple of days off now.