23 / 12 / 2025
I was really looking forward to this trip. As much as I love travelling to faraway places, Font is still my favorite place to boulder. It's just soooo goooood!!!
Anyways, I was enjoying my first few days climbing, ignoring my low back pain that just didn't seem to go away the following mornings. The weather was just too perfect not to climb, but in a few days I couldn't really do it anymore. I had another week left. The weather was snowy, rainy, sunny, windy, foggy, changing all the time. Just like my feelings about being in Font and not being able to climb much.
However, you can't have a bad time in Font! It's just so pretty and there are so many really cool easy climbs to do and so many hard ones to check out for next time! So yeah, at the end I really had a good time, relaxing holidays instead of bouldering a muerte, but I guess that's just what I needed at the time.
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