"If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together“
Out of all the possible answers to the eternal question, "How to climb better?“, there is one that universally works for everybody. It is a simple tip: Climb with motivated and strong(er) people.
You can spend a lifetime on your own in the best gym or outdoor climbing area, following the best training programs, eating healthy, sleeping well - but I am convinced that it can´t compare to what is possible to achieve when you share strong team spirit and motivation with a bunch of others. Don´t get me wrong, I am capable to train alone for days, I usually enjoy it and I believe that one on one training sessions with myself are generally the best option. However, at the same time I feel blessed for always having somebody to share my passion with. Regardless of whether it was with a single partner or the whole team, these people significantly shaped me as a climber and a human being. Perhaps it is good luck, but surely it is also the outcome of my instictive quest for a relationship with others.
Climbing is presented as an individual activity but this, in general, is far from reality. Isn´t it interesting that we call Bouldering the most individual way to climb, yet at the same time, we often call it the most social way to climb? Yes, we did all those moves on our own, but reaching that final performance is strongly supported with others in numerous ways.
During last winter, a team that I was working with pushed me further than I was capable to do on my own. It was a pure example of teamwork magic and it truly inspired me to write this blog. Also, in Spring I travelled to a virgin rock location to do some bolting and it was an extremely motivational trip, as I was with a strong team of people who were full of encouragement.
I am deeply gratefull for all of this.
//Photo credit Enna Peros:
- FA of One winter in paradise (7c)
- 03. Articioc (8b)
- Mio puo far accendere (8a+)
- Variante Robin (8a+)