Gwyneth Uttley
15 years
This has changed over the years but for the last few it has been Burbage in the Peak District
Favourite Climbing Destination
This is hard, probably the Peak District, gritstone climbing is so unique and I feel privileged to have it on my doorstep. Abroad, I would have to say Rocklands, its just so special, the landscapes, the density of quality climbing and the food are unlike anywhere else.
Best Climbing Experience
The most rewarding climb I have done is Kalea Borroka (8b+) in Suirana, not because of the grade but because it is a 40m king line at the most iconic crag in Spain and I really didn't think I was going to be able to pull it off so it was extra special when I did! Making finals at the British Bouldering Championships is always amazing, a home crowd hits different!
Favourite Moon Climbing Product
I really like the Sigma tank top and sports bra, they are just super comfy
What Is It About Climbing You Love
I love the diversity of the sport, from squeezing hard on volumes to climbing multipitches in Spain, it is impossible to get bored. I also love the huge community climbing brings, I have met such a range of incredible people through the sport.
Career Highlights
Climbing 8A on Grit (Back Street Mime Artist) was pretty cool, its always so rewarding when moves that initially seem impossible slowly become repeatable, I thoroughly enjoyed the process of projecting this one. Climbing Low Rider at Stanage was also really special just because it is such an iconic boulder.
When Not Climbing You Like to
I am a Renewable Energy Consultant so lots of data analysis... I also love wild swimming, pub quizzes and drum and bass!